1. not wide, having little width: makitid, makipot
2. limited, small (in number): kakaunti, iilan
3. close, with a small margin: babahagya, mahigpit
4. prejudiced: may kinikilingan
5. lacking breadth of view, narrow-minded: makitid ang isip
1. to decrease in width, become narrow: kumipot, kumitid
2. to make narrow: magpakipot, pakiputin, magpakitid, pakitirin
» synonyms and related words:
1. generous: mapagbigay
2. broad-minded, not narrow in ones ideas: maunawain, di-mahigpit, liberal
Liberal Party (a major political party in the Philippines)
1. to look through a small or narrow hole or crack: sumilip, manilip, silipin
2. to look when no one knows it: sumulyap, sulyapan, sumilip, manilip, silipin
3. to chirp: humuni, sumiyap
4. to look out as if peeping, to come out quietly: sumungaw, sungawin dumungaw, dungawin
1. a secret or furtive look: silip, pagsilip, sulyap, pagsulyap
2. a looking out as if peeping, coming out partly: sungaw, pagsungaw, dungaw, pagdungaw
1. more than one tooth: mga ngipin
2. by the skin of ones teeth, by a narrow margin: kamuntik na kamuntik na, gabuhok
1. a long narrow strap or line fastened to a bridle, by which to guide and control an animal: renda
2. a means of control and direction: kapangyarihan, pamamahala
to guide and control: rumenda, rendahan
a narrow ridge of rocks or sand at or near the surface of the water: batuhan, bahura
1. a long narrow mark: linya, guhit
2. a row of persons or things, single file or abreast: pila, hanay, hilera
3. a piece of rope: lubid
4. a piece of cord: tali, pisi
5. a piece of wire: kawad, alambre
6. a clothesline: sampayan
7. a fishing line: hapin, bingwit
8. a telephone line: linya ng telepono
1. to mark / draw with lines: guhitan, linyahan
2. to line up, to form in line: humanay, ihanay, humilera, ihilera, pumila, ipila
1. to go by, move past: magdaan, dumaan, daanan
2. to move on: lumipas, dumaan, magdaan
3. to hand from one to another: mag-abot, iabot, magpasa, ipasa
4. to go from one person to another person: masalin, mapasalin, malipat, mapalipat
5. to take place, happen: mangyari, maganap
6. to get through or by: lumampas, makalampas, lampasan, makaraan, dumaan, daanan
7. to come to an end, die: mamatay, yumao, sumakabilang-buhay
8. to pass around, to distribute: mamigay, ipamigay, magpalibot, ilibot, magpagala, igala
9. to give a judgment or opinion: humatol, hatulan, humusga, husgahan, magpasiya, pasiyahan
10. to let go without notice, not to pay attention to: magpalampas, palampasin, magpabaya, pabayaan, huwag intindihin, di pansinin
11. to be taken, be thought to be: maipalagay, ipalagay
12. to use or spend: magpalipas, palipasin, magparaan, paraanin
13. to go beyond: lumampas, humigit, lumabis, sumobra
14. to move by passing over: magparaan, paraanan
15. in card playing, to give up a chance or to refuse to play a hand: magpalampas, palampasin, magparaan, paraanin
16. to be successful in (an examination): makapasa, pumasa, makasulit, makaiksamin
1. a narrow road, path: landas, daan
2. a free ticket: pases
3. a state, condition: katayuan, tayo, kalagayan, lagay
4. motion of the hands: kumpas (pagkumpas) ng kamay
5. to bring to pass, accomplish, to cause to be: magsagawa, maisagawa, isagawa
6. to come to pass, take place, happen: mangyari, maganap, matupad
7. to pass away, come to an end, die: mamatay, yumao, sumakabilang-buhay, bawian ng buhay
8. to pass off means (a) to stop: tumigil, huminto (b) to disappear, vanish: mapawi, maparam, mawala (c) to take place, be done: mangyari, magawa, matapos, maganap
9. to pass out, to faint or lose consciousness: mahimatay, himatayin
10. to pass over or pass by, to fail to notice, disregard, overlook: palampasin, ipagwalang-bahala, di pansinin
1. to shut: magsara, isara, sarhan, magpinid, ipinid
2. to bring to an end, to conclude, to terminate: magtapos, tumapos, tapusin, matapos, magwakas, wakasan
3. to come or bring close together, to join: maglapat, lumapat, ilapat, paglapatin, magtikom, tumikom, itikom, isara, sarhan, magsara