Tagalog Dictionary


Meaning of "top"


    • 1. the highest point or part: tuktok, taluktok, ituktok, kaitaasan
    • 2. the upper part: ibabaw
    • 3. at the top, ahead, leading, the best: nangunguna, pinakamagaling, pinakamataas
    • 4. the peak: tugatog
    • 5. head: tuktok, ulo, tugatog
    • 6. the top part of a plant, the young leaves: talbos
    • 7. a cone-shaped toy that can be made to spin: trumpo, turumpo
    • highest, greatest: pinakamataas
    • 1. to be on top, be the top of: nasa ibabaw, nasa taluktok
    • 2. to be the first: manguna
    • 3. to remove or cut the top of a plant: tumalbos, talbusan
    • 4. to be higher or greater than, do better than: humigit, mahigtan, higtan, dumaig, madaig, daigin
    • 5. to put something on top: magpatong, patungan, magpaibabaw, paibabawan, magdagan, daganan
    • 6. to put a top on: lagyan ng ibabaw
    • 7. to shout at the top of ones voice: sumigaw nang pagkalakas-lakas
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