Tagalog Dictionary


Meaning of "will"


    • 1. the power of the mind to decide and do: loob, kalooban, kalooban
    • 2. a wish, desire: nais, nasa, pita, hangad, gusto, gusto, kagustuhan, ibig, kaibigan
    • 3. a legal statement of a persons wishes about what shall be done with his properties after his death: testamento, huling habilin
    • 4. a disposition or feeling towards another: kalooban, kalooban, palagay, pagpapalagay
    • 5. a commmand: utos, atas
    • 1. to determine, to decide: magpasiya, pasiyahan, pagpasiyahan, ipasiya
    • 2. to decide by using this power, to use the will: gumusto, gustuhin, loobin, nasain, naisin, ibigin
    • 3. to give a legal statement of a persons wishes about what shall be done with his property: magtestamento, isatestamento
    • 4. (as auxiliary verb) to be going to, to be about to: rendered by the future tense of the verb
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