Tagalog Dictionary


Meaning of "witness"


    • 1. a person or thing able to give evidence, a person who saw something happen: saksi, testigo
    • 2. a person who takes an oath to tell the truth in a court of law: testigo
    • 3. a person writing his name on a document to show that he saw it signed: saksi, testigo
    • 4. evidence: katibayan, patunay, katunayan
    • 1. to see, to be able to see: sumaksi, masaksihan, saksihan, makita
    • 2. to bear witness, give evidence of: magpatunay, patunayan, magpatibay, patibayan
    • 3. to sign (a document) as witness: sumaksi, saksihan, tumestigo, testiguhan
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